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Stardust probe finds 'subdued' comet crater

Nasa's Stardust spacecraft has swept past the comet Tempel 1.

Category: Space


Sun unleashes huge solar flare

The Sun has unleashed its strongest flare in four years, observers say.

Category: Space


Nanowire processor signals route to ever-smaller chips

Engineers have developed a computer chip made of tiny "nanowires" whose computing functions can be changed by applying small electric currents.

Category: Communications


Construction begins on Bloodhound supercar

Construction work formally begins this week on what is expected to be the world's fastest car.

Category: Transport


Stereo satellites move either side of Sun

Two US spacecraft have moved either side of the Sun to establish observing positions that should return remarkable new information about our star

Category: Communications, Space

Displaying results 506 to 510 out of 2977